Thursday, January 25, 2018



In recent years, quite a few bills and laws have been introduced throughout the nation that further disaggregates the Asian American community. We refer them as Asian American Disaggregation Bills or Asian American Ancestry Registration Bills. We regard these bills as unconstitutional and racially discriminating against Asian Americans, because they exclusively mandate Asian Americans to report their ancestral national origins and no other racial group is required to do so. The major legislation includes AB-1726 in California, S0439 in Rhode Island, H.3361 in Massachusetts, SF2597 in Minnesota, and HB1541 in Washington. There is also similar legislation proposed in New York.

These Asian American Disaggregation Bills, pushed by such advocates as Ted Lieu, Judy May Chu, and Mike Eng, are usually disguised under the pretense of facilitating “racial preferential treatment" policies. While these bills claim to promote medical research, education, etc., their nature is to isolate Asian Americans, which account for only 5.6% of the American population, and to further label and divide them by their ancestral countries.

Asian Americans are not the first victims of using identity to promote racial policies. Historically, each racial segregation policy and their worse forms started from racial identification registries. Notorious examples are Nazi Germany’s racial discrimination and persecution of Jews, apartheid in South Africa, internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, and the passage of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. These historical events of racial hatred, abuse and genocide all started with the identification of specific ethnic groups. They later evolved into massive abuse of government power and cruel deprivation of life, property and political rights. It is scary to think of these Asian Disaggregation Acts as history repeating itself. These legislations are nothing but attempts to use government power to violate personal privacy.

In fact, Asian American Disaggregation Bills have intensified in recent years and are becoming a social and political trend. They have been promoting a racial quota system across the board in college admissions, job recruiting, and other areas as well. The racial quota approach fails to exclude the interference of ethnic-sex-age-related factors in competition and judicial processes. Instead, such an approach even emphasizes these factors in the distribution of resources. Asian American Disaggregation Bills specifically target and further divide Asian-Americans.



美国华裔联盟 CAA

亚裔细分是指近年来在美国各地陆续出现的一类通过立法形式强制进行只针对亚裔进行 身份标识、祖籍国标识的种族歧视法案。其中引起大范围关注的有加州的(AB-1726), 罗得岛州(S0439),麻萨诸塞州 (H.3361),明尼苏达(SF2597),华盛顿州(HB1541)等法 案,并且在纽约市等地近来也发现有此类议案在酝酿。这一趋势已经引起了亚裔社区的 高度不安。 

这类身份标识细分法案的推动者,如刘云平、赵美心、和伍国庆等,通常打着便于推行 种族“优待”政策的旗号提出议案。虽然这些法案都试图以促进医学研究,提高教育等 为借口,却无法掩盖其单独把仅占美国人口5.6%的亚裔人口孤立,并进一步用其祖先所 属国家进行身份标识的实质。 

用身份标识推行种族政策,亚裔并非唯一的受害者。历史上,臭名昭著的德国纳粹政府 对犹太人的种族识别与迫害,南非种族隔离时期政策,二战时期对日裔美国人的集中营 管制,甚至1882 年排华法案(Chinese Exclusion Act)通过后一系列针对华人的迫害 都同出一辙。这些践踏人权的历史事件均以对特定族群进行身份标识为起点,进一步发 展到滥用政府权力对生命、财产和政治权利的残酷剥夺。联想到当前的亚裔细分法案所 显露出来的利用政府权力对个人隐私侵犯的企图,让我们每一个深陷其中的人都不寒而 栗。 

事实上,亚裔细分法案是近年来愈演愈烈的以肤色为标准推行种族配额制度的逆流进一 步针对和孤立亚裔的标志,在这个以种族配额指导资源分配的逆流中,非但没有摒除种 族性别年龄祖籍国等因素在竞争中的干扰作用,反而进一步强调甚至以之为标准分配资 源。至此美国社会历来崇尚的竞争和奋斗精神以及体现天赋人权的平权思想已经被偷梁 换柱演变成为公然违背宪法推动逆向歧视的强制种族配额制度的指挥棒。 

美国华裔联盟(Chinese American Alliance)再次强烈要求各级立法者团结而不是分 裂美国,向所有人发出号召坚决抵制并撤消相应的带有任何种族识别、划分、配额,隔 离为目的和性质的歧视性法案,公正对待广大亚裔美国人应有的政治和社会平等权利和 呼声 ! 




📢📢📢【麻州细分法案H3361的hearing将于1/30日周二下午1-5点,在state house (地址:24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133)举行。经历半年多反细分抗争,终于到了关键时刻。希望大家克服困难参加,对方人员准备已经到位。我们现在急需围观吃瓜群众👪,目前只有目标人数十分之一。拦截法案在committee是事半功倍。为了我们和我们孩子的福祉和生存尊严,请大家行动起来,阻截种族歧视法案!👊👊👊】


1: 在听证会上做3分钟的反对发言
2: 在会场内佩戴标识,表示立场
3: 州政府门前举牌


2: 继续给议员邮件和打电话:

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Stop Discriminatory Bill H3361

Stop Discriminatory Bill H3361

A letter to Rhode Island Senators about Ethnic groups’ subdivision

A letter to Rhode Island Senators about Ethnic groups’ subdivision
By Luke Lu

Honorable Senator XXX,

It has come to the attention of some, especially those amongst the Southeast Asian communities of New England, that recently the State of Rhode Island has signed a new bill into law, RIS0439, which advocates have proclaimed as the "All Students Count Act". This act calls for the dissemination of educational performance data from various groups of students, and to subdivide these groups into further categories to achieve this. However, the title of the act is woefully misleading, as by 'groups of students', this bill actually aims solely to subdivide the already diminutive "Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander" student body into a plethora of new categories determined by "ethnic divisions", while neglecting to do the same for the other groups that account for 96 percent of the Rhode Island population. Supporters of the bill state that this act is essential to recognize the diversities within the Southeast Asian population and how different socioeconomic and ethnic conditions have effected educational performance, and point to the"underserved but overachieving community" of Southeast Asians, stating that the act would in fact be a great educational boon to the Asian community by spotting apparent "underlying ethnic divisions". As a matter of fact, the Huffington Post even recently wrote in their article [Rhode Island House Passes Act That Would Expose Asian-American Achievement Gap] the following: "Southeast Asian-American activists are celebrating a Rhode Island act that could have a huge impact on the underserved students in their community."

However, despite being a relatively average thirteen-year-old Asian American student in my community, when this act was brought before the attention of my family and myself, we were by no means celebrating. Quite on the contrary, actually. When I perused over the bill and later read the subsequent Hufffington Post article, I was quite appalled. While I must commend the article and the interviewed Quyen Dinh for bringing light to many issues of the Asian-American community, such as lack of English proficiency, problems of poverty for immigrants, high PTSD rates amongst students, etc, the resulting product of the equation presented still failed to add up. As Chinese American and Southeast Asian activists opposed to the bill have already stated long before myself, the Asian American community accomplished the "Achievement Gap" through hard work and effort rather than a clear ethnic divide. Also, the perceived gap in achievement still does not equate to academic success (as also mentioned in many pro-actarticles), but dividing the Asian student body into even more parts only achieves to complicate the terrible grievances of poverty, language divide, cultural disconnection, and depression that face many students. What is perhaps the most distasteful part of the act to many is the fact that the proposed ethnic divisions do not equate to national divisions, nor often to even the ethnic identities of the peoples forced into the program. There are many reasonable claims of how this information is both unnecessarily and unasked for by the Asian community, and could potentially stimulate only more ethnic divisions along with further unwarranted or even corrupt actions. This tax-intensive data collection program also forces Asian-American students such as myself and countless others to tabulate ethnicity based upon the ethnicity of one's parents, which could be mixed or not even accurate in the slightest.

As a matter of fact, this process is always inaccurate in identifying ethnicities. This article being read here is supposed to depict not just the stand point of immigrant parent activists, but equally that of American-born citizen students such as myself who are often oblivious to this issue, which included myself until recently. And from the perspective of a Chinese Asian American, I identify as an Asian before as a Chinese, and always an American before an Asian American. I, along with so many others far more or less achieving than I (mostly moreso) and far more or less fortunate than I, have all had the fortune of being born an American. By the sweat and toil of immigrant parents seeking a better future for all their children, to the blood and hope of the Revolution, the American identity is not something that can be seized so easily from myself, nor any Chinese-American, nor any Asian-American, nor any American or hardworking immigrant, whether they be born here, born elsewhere, but always born free. Thusly, the ethnic divisions imposed upon the Asian American community in Rhode Island, California, and elsewhere is only a prelude to unjust divisions of all Americans everywhere. As Martin Luther King Jr. once famously spoke as he broke the chains of inequality in the African American Civil Rights Movement, that "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere", so too must we as Americans and immigrants, parents and students alike, say the same about the ethnic divisions imposed against Asian Americans in this "All Students Count Act". But it must not be only an Chinese battle, as the primary engagement is being waged now, nor an Asian battle, as the war is becoming, but rather an American battle to call down educational data collection depending upon race, ethnicity, or what not. It may be a foolish claim. It may be a child's hope. It may be a flawed stance. It may be a controversial position. And it may be an impossibility. But starting with RI S0439, perhaps, peacefully by word of mouth, a claim, a hope, the impossible, may become a reality.

Sincerely yours,

Luke Lu

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How California AB 1726 was rolled out?

The following two graphs provide our readers how the Notorious California AB 1726 law was rolled out. This law divides Asian Americans into 20 subgroups in government data collection effort.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

From Boston Global : Stop Dividing Asian Americans and Bill H 3361

Today's protest is covered by Boston Globe.  Thank you for the report.

Some questions from audience:
1) why Asian only?
2) Is this similar to Muslim Registry or Jews Registry in Germany in World War II? 

Otherwise, for second or third generation Americans, why does the government need know your so called county of origin, especially for Asian Americans?

Stop Massachusetts Bill H 3361